Our Musical Soiree:
Murnau, Kingdom of Bavaria,
den 10. September
My Dears,
Gruess Gott from Bavaria!
I am penning but a quick note, as the day is fair and sunny, and my dear Herr Meinke-Haibl and I have a mind to take a refreshing swim in the Staffel Lake.
We must make haste ere the air cools and the sun falls behind the giant Zugspitze.
Mama and Frau Posaunenblaser are having a Kaffeeklatsch ("gossip over coffee"--"girl talk") over a game of whist and that hot Bavarian caffeine brew.
I do wish to tell you that last night, we all had a fine time at the concert and soiree.
The Duke of Villmar-Seelbach sent his carriage to the inn to fetch us and bring us to his music soiree.
Herr Ditters von Dittersdorf's new divertimento is beautiful, and was well received by the guests.
The catchy tune is indeed still going through my mind this day.
My dear Herr Meinke-Haibl played his new sonatina for the pianoforte, and needless to say, I love it!
It is indeed a delightful and enchanting piece.
Then came my turn to play and sing and, you know, I had no time during this journey to study any new pieces, but I have been practicing very much again the pieces I played and sung at the home of Herr Leopold Mozart the month just past.
The Sonata for Pianoforte Number 1 in C Major went well, and likewise did "Alla Turka", both by my brother-in-law, Herr Mozart.
I have gotten both the fast movements and sections in the two compositions up to speed again, I am happy to say.
Then I again played "Voi Que Sapete" from "The Marriage of Figaro" on the pianoforte, and sang Cerubino's so beautiful aria.
I felt like Cinderella as dear Herr Meinke-Haibl danced minuets, contra dances, and walzes with me.
The Duke's carriage brought our party tired but exhilarated back to our inn.
Well, I must not keep my dear Herr Meinke-Haibl waiting.
A cool dip in the sparkling blue lake will be ever so welcome.
Yours affectionately,
Sophie, nee Weber
An Unexpected Gift:
Murnau, Kindgom of Bavaria,
den 11. September
My Dears,
The portrait above is of the beautiful baroque Saint Nicolas Church in Murnau where Mama, Herr Meinke-Haibl, and I have attended Mass.
On the Sabbath, it seems that the entire village is in attendance, and upon the conclusion of the service as we go outside again, all the many horses there tied neatly in rows look to me more pious and virtuous than is their wont.
Do please forgive me for this irreverent observation!
This morning bright and early, as Klaus Posaunenblaser, the innkeeper's son, was hoisting our baggages and securing them atop the coach, Frau Posaunenblaser, his mother, approached Mama and me holding a dear and familiar bundle in her arms.
"My dear Mademoiselle Weber, my dear Caecilia Widow Weber, I want to give you something to cherish and to remember us by.
I know how much you love and adore Loewchen, my dears. I have observed how attached to him you have become, and I want you to have him.
Oh, we have so many dogs about, and my Pokey is again expecting puppies, so please take and keep Loewchen with my blessing."
Mama and I were both overcome with emotion and Mama started crying and clasped Loewchen to her ample bosom.
"Oh Frau Posaunenblaser! We are both so grateful and thrilled!
How can we ever repay you for your kindness! When you are later to stay in Vienna, you must all certainly come stay with us in our boarding house--and visit Loewchen," Mama stammered through her tears.
"Yes, yes, my dears", replied Frau Posaunenblaser.
And then Herr Posaunenblaser came gingerly into the room. "I have been fashioning these last days a crate--see the criss-cross pattern--for Loewchen to see out of and get air--and it will be like a second home to him.
He is well trained and shall stay within when you are out and about on your journey.
And the manservants at the taverns you frequent shall daily give you scraps of foodstuffs to maintain Loewchen's good health.
Oh, incidently, the surgeon has some time since performed a slight operation upon Loewchen so that he will not be all over the females of his kind.
Here also, my dears, are a water bowl, a food bowl, a leash, a brush to groom him daily, and in the crate, blankets for Loewchen to lie upon, and a small ball to amuse him."
"Oh my". I was thrilled beyond measure.
"Herr and Frau Posaunenblaser, I thank you a thousand times over!", I exclaimed from my heart.
And do you know what: I shall presently begin knitting Loewchen a doggy jacket for the coming winter.
As ever,
Sophie, nee Weber
My Birthplace:
My Dears,
I have this day sketched, from my dear Papa's recollections, a portrait of my birthplace, Zell im Wiesenthal, in the Black Forest.
I have taken great pains to copy my sketch faithfully and am enclosing my copy in this post.
We moved from Zell to Mannheim when I was very young.
I do not yet know whether or not Mama wishes during this journey to pay a visit to Zell as well.
It would depend on the weather and on the state of the roads, but it might be feasible.
I was so young that I scarcely recall Zell, though my dear Papa described to us that the town is beautifully situated in a valley surrounded by mountains--not unlike Salzburg, the Salzkammergut, or Murnau.
Yours affectionately,
Sophie, nee Weber
A Journey to Munich:
Garmisch Partenkirchen, Kingdom of Bavaria,
den 12. September
My Dears,
Gruess Gott alle zusammen!
We are this hour at a very warm, welcoming, and gemuetlich tavern in the village of Garmisch Partenkirchen, still in the Bavarian Alps, but are come already some distance from the village of Murnau.
We have alighted from our carriage to enable the horses to quench their thirst as we ourselves stop for the midday repast.
Loewchen had sat within the coach with us, secure and snug in his new crate.
Loewchen is now on his leash--did I mention that he also is wearing a new collar--and is come within, accompanying all our party.
I am therefore writing from the table in this bright, cheerful tavern, named "Die Froehliche Kneipe" (The Cheerful Pub).
Our party in the coach consists of Mama, my dear Herr Meinke-Haibl, Herr Ditters von Dittersdorf, myself, and, but of course, our precious little bundle of love, Loewchen.
Before departing Murnau, I climbed up onto the back exterior carriage seat exposed to all the elements and feeling carefree, removed my bonnet and tied it jauntily in a bow around my neck.
Then I just let the breeze blow through my hair and felt the tingling throughout my whole body, and I felt free as a bird, anticipating the next leg of our journey with excitement, and wondering what the future will have in store for us temporary wanderers.
I so long now to be reunited with my beloved Papa's fellow Musiker colleagues and friends from Mannheim who are now employed at the Bavarian Court.
It will be quite like old times and like returning home! And what an added pleasure it will be to welcome my very special and very dear friend, Herr Josef Haydn.
I am so excited that he will have occasion to befriend himself with dear Meinke-Haibl.
I can scarce wait to see them conversing together a propos music et al.
And I fervently hope that Herr Haydn shall hear my beloved's music, and my Jakob (Hush: I am calling him here by his Christian name) may also be welcomed as a fellow Musiker and composer in Vienna's elite musical circles.
I am delighted that Herr Ditters von Dittersdorf has already had occasion to listen to my Jakob's music.
Our farewells from Murnau were sad but heartfelt.
I curtsied to both Frau and Herr Posaunenblaser, shook their hands, and gave them a slight peck on both cheeks.
I had to refrain from hugging them, so much like a second mother and father they have been to me and my Jakob, and a true friend to Mama besides.
But here in Bavaria, one is not so demonstrative; one is very restrained in showing affection, I find, more so than in my native Mannheim or in Vienna.
In spite of their Southern Bavarian drawl, their etiquette here is most formal and conservative, as it seems that they put up an imaginary wall between people to keep them at a distance.
Only immediate family members are accustomed to hugging one another in public here.
By the by, Herr Haydn did write to the "Drei Kronen" (Three Crowns) Inn in Munich, which is situated down the street from the Imperial Theater, and he has procured reservations for himself, of course, and also for Herr Ditters von Dittersdorf, Herr Meinke-Haibl, and for Mama and myself. (Loewchen does not need a reservation--haha. He shall stay in our room.)
Herr Haydn is also in route from Vienna and shall likewise be arriving this day in Munich.
Oh, the coachman is calling us at present.
We must climb back into the carriage for the duration of our journey to Munich.
I expect that in another two and a half hours, we shall reach our goal and be once more in this for us once so happy place.
The Bavarian capital shall indeed be a happy place for us again; I can feel it in my bones.
Yours affectionately,
Sophie, nee Weber
A Safe Arrival in Munich, and a Greeting to Sir Penguin:
My Dear Sir Penguin,
Greetings from Munich, Bavaria! I am overjoyed to find you here at last, my dear Sir!
If you have been reading my postings from the Mozartparmassus Salon, you will know that I love animals.
How are you, dear Sir? I pray you are in good health.
But you have been ill, and have been in hospital.
Gracious, I am so sorry to hear that.
I am so glad that you are now on the mend.
We have also missed you!
I hope that soon you are restored to full health.
You poor thing! I hope that your sutures are very soon removed.
Take care of yourself.
Yes, a household full of chicks is quite a handfull.
It is so good that Herr Salieri is so obliging to help you in caring for them.
I am the youngest of five children--now four--and I know full well what you are talking about!
I am the only one still at home, and keep my dear Mama company.
We run a boarding house in Vienna--on the corner of the Petersplatz and the Graben--number 11 Petersplatz, second story; our building is also called "Zum Auge Gottes" ("At the Eye of God")--if you ever fly over here to the continent.
There is a very apt reason why our building is called "Zum Auge Gottes", good Sir Penguin.
It is because we live right behind Peter's Church, you see.
We will serve you some wonderful Major Grey Englich tea and crumpets with butter and jam, or, if you prefer, delicious, strong Viennese coffee--with cinnamon, if such is your pleasure.
My Mama is a fabulous cook--and I am not bad myself!
This early fall season is quite changeable in terms of the weather, and I am suffering from a slight cold at present.
You, however, would be quite used to all sorts of weather, especially that of extreme cold, so there is no hardship in that for you.
Oh my; my dear Sir Penguin, I have not properly introduced myself. I am Mademoiselle Sophie Weber, daughter of Cecilia and my late father Fridolin Weber.
I am from the town of Mannheim, but now reside, as you know, with my mother in Vienna.
You do know my dear sister, Constanze Mozart, I believe.
Mama and I are at present on a journey to take us to our old home of Mannheim and beyond to Bayreuth.
We are now in Munich, and are come here several days ago, staying at the Three Crowns Inn (Die Drei Kronen), half a block from the Imperial Theater.
Our dear friends Herr Josef Haydn and Herr Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf are also now residing at the same inn.
Works were commissioned for them from the Elector of Bavaria to celebrate his Eminence's Name Day.
My speical friend, Herr Jaokb Meinke-Haibl, also a composer, singer, and actor, is also journeying in our party.
Oh, my dear Herr Penguin, Herr Salieri's soup sounds so delicious and soothing to taste.
I have no doubt that it will help restore you completely to good health!
Do give him Mama's and my greetings!
Take care of yourself, dear Sir Penguin, and do not wait so long before you drop by here again!
Do come soon!
Ever yours affectionately,
Sophie, nee Weber
Meine liebe Marianne,
Herzliche Gruesse aus Muenchen!
(My dear Marianne,
Warm greetings from Munich!)
What a delightful surprise to hear from you!
Yes, thank you most kindly, dear Marianne; Mama and I are at present in good health, and I am practically all recovered from my cold.
I am also very happy that you are making a journey down here to the Bavarian capital--and that we shall have the pleasure of seeing you ere long!
Oh, it shall be so much fun, Marianne!
We are going to be let loose on the Wiesen in Munich--and with Mama too (oh je!).
The whole town of Munich will explode--haha!
No; quite seriously, I have no doubt that there shall be roughneck youths--not that much younger than ourselves--loitering about with a full belly of Muenchener beer--so Mama and I shall also be so grateful for the manly protection of Streitel and Meinke-Haibl.
"Streitel has booked two rooms in the Gasthof zur Post (of course!) and I would not mind
at all to share my room with you."
Oh I should love to, Marianne!
But alas Mama and I are already staying at the inn "Drei Kronen" just half a block from the Imperial Theater.
Herr Haydn procured the room for Mama and myself; we are most fortunate to each have our own bed. My dear Haydn has a bedchamber there quite to himself; however, Herr Ditters von Dittersdorf and Herr Meinke-Haibl are sharing a room, each with their own bed.
Oh Marianne, I do not know if it would be possible for you and Herr Streitel to switch your reservations to our inn. I would hope so!
But I know the Gasthof zur Post, and it is but two blocks distant from us!
So we could still easily walk back and forth between our two inns and, while, doing, indulge ourselves in the sights of Munich.
This day, we are commencing rehearsals for "The Creation" at the Imperial Theater.
I am myself in the chorus, as is Meinke-Haibl, thanks to Herr Haydn. The Elector of Bavaria is so grateful to Herr Haydn for composing a symphony for his Eminence's Name Day that he is also mounting "The Seasons" to honor Herr Haydn during his visit.
I have sung this work several times before in the Redoutensaal in Vienna under Haydn's direction. One time, when his main soprano was indisposed--I sang one of the main roles--haha!
I recounted that story during our journey in the coach from Vienna to Salzburg.
What an experience that was!
Thankfully, the performance of "The Creation" shall be over when the Oktoberfest begins!
Oh, Marianne, you have not yet seen our new traveling campanion, Loewchen; he is such a dear. Mama and I have been promenading about our immediate neighborhood here in Munich with him on his leash. What a way to have intercourse with the locals too! People so often stop and greet us, and ask about the dog.
Oh, Marianne, it will be so good to see you, and to be able to celebrate your birthday with you!
We shall also have such fun at the Oktoberfest.
I personally adore all that genuine omp pah pah brass music, and all the singing, locking arms with our table-mates and swaying back and forth.
I would not be concerned for Mama this night--haha--as under the large beer tent, her behavior will be the normal condition.
However, I shall have to watch that she does not drink so much that she should pass out; it is easy there amid all the festivities to lose track of how much beer one consumes.......Well, not for me because after one beer, I can feel it, and that will be most likely enought, but for Mama.......
Oh Marianne, it will be wonderful to also be able to dance some Laendlers there.
And the grilled chicken will be succulent and delicious.
Marianne, please give our regards to Streitel, and Mama and I wish you both a safe and pleasant journey to Munich.
Soon we shall have the pleasure of embracing you and spending time with you.
I am so much looking forward to that.
Noch einmal adieu, und bis spaeter,
(Again adieu, and until later),
Deine Freundin,
(Your friend),
A Bavarian Treat:
Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria,
den 20. September
My Dear Sir Penguin,
Greetings to you! I do hope that you are on the mend.
Tis this day the last day of summer, and perhaps you are itching to take flight and journey southward.
If you had flown to Murnau in Upper Bavaria when Mama and I were residing at the inn there, you would have been delighted to discover the sky-blue and pristine waters of the Staffel Lake.
The innkeeper, Herr Posaunenblaser, taught me and my gentleman friend, Herr Meinke-Haibl, to fly-fish--and I did catch some trout and salmon.
We had fish at table at least thrice weekly.
You would have loved to partake of our meal with us.
In Vienna too, if you perchance fly that distance, you will find some watering holes much to your taste.
Mama and I live in the inner city, called the Ring, and we reside but a few blocks from the Wiener Kanal, but there in the center of town, too many folks are around and about, and the waters of the Danube are a murky brown.
But if you venture a mile or so upstream along the Wiener Kanal, there you will find fish aplenty to be had and clear, sparkling waters.
There are even some rocks for you to sun upon, and you would be quite content and in your element there.
Mama and I sometimes go on foot together in the summer to picnic. It is a pleasant but rather long walk along the Wiener Kanal, so we do not carry much--a picnic basket laden with foodstuffs, and we wear our shawls, which we later put onto the ground as blankets to picnic upon.
When you are somewhat away from the town center in Vienna, it is really like out in the country.
Other townfolk also pass some leisure hours there by the banks of the Danube in the summer.
I have even removed my shoes and hoisted my panteloons and petticoats up, and have ventured up to my knees in the Danube--Hush; this is not considered ladylike behavior.
Well, my dear Sir Penguin, if you fly south to Munich, I know that you would love sunning yourself at the Chinese Tower in the middle of the verdant and expansive English Garden.
In fact, Mama, Herr Meinke-Haibl and I just took tea and cakes there this very afternoon.
I am looking forward to the upcoming visit to Munich this next week of my friend, Marianne Mozartin, and her daughter, Josepha, and son-in-law, Herr Streitel.
I shall suggest that we all go to the restaurant here at the Chinese Tower.
It is so beautifully situated--smack dab in the middle of nature.
And there is also the delicate beauty of the Chinese pagoda and the beautiful green Chinese landscaping and oriental plants, many in miniature.
And I do hope that you too can fly down and enjoy some Southern Bavarian hospitality.
We would love to have you!
Again, I hope that you are on the mend!
Our greetings also to Signore Salieri.
Ever yours,
Sophie, nee Weber
The Oktoberfest Begins!
"Hear ye; hear ye, good citizens of Munich!
I hereby declare the Oktoberfest open for business! Eins, Zwei, G'sufa!"
Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria,
den 24. September
My Dears,
Gruess Gott, alle zusammen!
I hope that everyone is faring well.
I do hope that my brother-in-law, Mozart, is feeling better and likewise our feathered friend, Sir Penguin.
I have this night only the time to pen a few lines.
Over the last weekend, Herr Meinke-Haibl, Mama, and I had occasion to gather at the Stachus, the main street in Munich leading to the Marinenplatz, where the largest town square is located and the marionettes entertain and chime high above on the Church tower.
We witnessed the parade of all the local brewery owners in their best Bavarian finery, complete with Lederhosen and green feathered hats, riding in their carriages full of beer barrels and flowers, and lead by heavy draft horses. Marching bands were aplenty too.
It was all quite a sight.
My dear Meinke-Haibl drew a sketch of the Buergermeister (Mayor) of Munich calling forth the Gaudi (fun) and festivities on his ram's horn.
I am enclosing the portrait (above).
At the close of the parade, a giant Maypole was carried out and set up on the main Stachus Square--and we all had a chance to take hold of a brightly colored ribbon and merrily dance around the Maypole, accompanied by Bavaria's Best Omp Pah Pah-ers!
What a day!
My dear Marianne, I am so looking forward to your arrival and visit with your son-in-law, Herr Streitel!
We shall soon be able to celebrate your birthday on this coming Wednesday with you!
I do not yet know the time of your arrival either this next day or on Wednesday, but I can tell you that we shall be either at our inn, Die Drei Kronen (The Three Crowns), Koenigstrasse 12, or if we are not within, than we shall all surely be found at the Imperial Theater down the street at Koenigstrasse 1. Do come into the theater and take a seat.
We shall be rehearsing "The Creation".
The Elector of Bavaria is recovering from a cold, so the performance has not yet taken place.
Oh, I do hope that you shall be there too.
Marianne, if you care to, I shall speak with Herr Haydn, and you can sing with me in the chorus!
Herr Streitel can as well. We can always use a tenor, baritone or bass--haha! In short, this chorus could use a few good men.
Mama--with Loewchen in tow--shall be sitting in the audience in attendance, and Herr Haydn shall be directing the singers. My dear Meinke-Haibl and I are in the chorus.
If I should perchance see you come in or see you sitting in the audience, I am sure that Herr Haydn would not at all mind if I "jump" down from the stage to greet you and Herr Streitel!
I wish you both a safe and pleasant journey to Munich!
Till then, dear Marianne, I remain
Yours affectionately,
Sophie, nee Weber
We have made it!
Munich, Kingdom of Bavaria,
den 25. September
Meine liebe Marianne!
Gruess Dich! Today is your very special day--and imagine--that you are going to spend it at the Oktoberfest! It is very appropriate to celebrate the day of your birth in merriment and mirth.
It shall be a giant birthday party for you on the Wies'n.
In a few short hours, at 16:30 in the marquee of the Hofbraeuhaus, we shall meet you.
You shall recognize me and Mama, and there shall be also Herr Meinke-Haibl and another you have not set eyes on before this day--our little Loewchen.
Mama wants to bring him along too on his leash, and he does behave like an angel, and shall be no bother.
This morning bright and early, as the sun was just rising on the horizon, I breakfasted in our tavern and fed Loewchen some of our victuals.
Mama was in bed this whole morning, indisposed, but is now all right to attend the Oktoberfest.
At table with me were Maestro Haydn and my dear Meinke-Haibl.
An early morning rehearsal necessitated our early repast.
My dear Marianne, Herr Haydn is most anxious to make your acquaintance.
He wants you to have three choice tickets for the concert, and hopes most fervently that you will be able to prolong your stay in Munich for a little while, at the very least.
Maestro Haydn reveres your cousin--my brother-in-law, Mozart, above all other men.
He would ask you questions about your family, and will thereby be better acquainated with all the Mozarts.
Herr Haydn was telling me this morning at table--well, I am blushing--because he told me that Mozart confessed one day to him that you were Mozart's youthful great love---Haydn called it "die grosse Liebe" (the great love).
Mozart reminisced more than once nostalgically to Herr Haydn about you--but I am sure that your cousin said nothing improper or unduly or of a personal nature to Herr Haydn--or nothing that he should not have said.
Mozart is a gentleman.
But Herr Haydn knows that you are a very important person in my brother-in-law's life, and he has nothing but the profoundest admiration for Mozart.
Of course, Maestro Haydn wants to get to know you as well!
Maestro Haydn suggested that we could all dine together either after the concert on Saturday evening, or else at a time of your convenience at our inn, "Die Drei Kronen".
Well, die Wies'n awaits us!
In a few short hours, Marianne, we shall be together again, and I am so much looking forward to this also!
Your friend,
You are welcome!
Munich, den 26. September
Gruess Gott, meine liebe Marianne!
I am so happy that my birthday card pleased you, and am likewise so pleased that we were able to celebrate this important and festive day with you and your family!
What a night, Marianne!
I have not recovered from it yet.
The wonderful memories and scenes are still going over and over in my mind and dancing in my head--still giddy from the unaccustomed wine and Gaudi (merriment)!
Yes; a second cup of that very strong Bavarian coffee will be most prudent and alas necessary for me this morn.
I have not yet awoke and faced this day--and a busy one it will be too, as I must hurry off to a rehearsal with Maestro Haydn.
My dear Marianne, I will also keep this day in my mind forever to the end of my life.
And I thank you so much for wishing me and my dear Meinke-Haibl a life of happiness together!
That means so much to me--as I secretly cherish that dream as well.
Yes, Marianne! It is most astonishing how much beer my Mama can put away. How she does it I do not know. And the amazing thing is that after so many beers, she still gives the appearance of not having touched a drop of the brew. But she does continue to imbibe of it, and then one does notice that she is not quite herself.
Oh Marianne, I quite agree that the cold weather was a plus, as it kept us on the dance floor, and you as well as I so love dancing!
The bands were so gemuetlich and fine and authentic--such skilled players are they.
And everything came together to create an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Yes, my dear Marianne, my dear Meinke-Haibl is such a good storyteller!
Imagine that he is but one year my senior.
He has from a young age been so much out and about in the world, has experienced already so much.
Meinke-Haibl is very unique; there is no man on earth like him....Oh, I sound so besotted and thoroughly in love--haha--as I indeed am.
Oh Marianne, I am so happy that Herr Haydn was also there on your special day to wish you a happy birthday!
He told me that he was honored to be there--what a night!
I could see that you--as well as I--did also so enjoy dancing with the Maestro. What a smooth and easy dancer he is, and so very congenial, dear, and kind, is he not, my dear.
As is likewise Meinke-Haibl. I hope you found him a fine dancer, as I do.
And I also enjoyed the turn on the dance floor I took with Herr Streitel! Haha! We were joking and laughing the entire time as we danced!
And I shall never forget all the singing together!
Ach, um Gottes Himmel--Mama is calling me--I must make haste.
My dear Marianne, I am so happy that you and your family have accepted my invitation to attend the concert this Saturday night--and also later to dine with Maestro Haydn and us.
Herr Haydn is honored and mightily pleased as well.
Now I must be off, dear Marianne.
Yes, Gott sei Dank that the rain has finally ceased and the air is clear and vivid. It also smells so good after a rain--and after the manservants have cleaned up after the horses--haha!
A walk in the English Garden seems so enticing!
I do wish that I had the time for it this day!
But later, Mama and I shall have time for a quick stroll around the Marienplatz.
Yes, Marianne, I will certainly convey to Mama and to Herr Meinke-Haibl your warmest regards, and give a busserl to little Loewchen from you!
To Sir Penguin:
Munich, den 26 September
My Dear Sir Penguin,
Oh, I am so glad that you are finally on the mend!
What wonderful news!
Oh my--It will indeed be an honor and a treat to be able to welcome you to Munich!
And Mama is so happy about this turn of events as well!
Well let me see: What can I advise you regarding your accoutrement, dear Sir Penguin?
Why you need not change an absolute thing!
You need not trouble yourself to pack anything, as you are perfectly attired to fit any climate.
Just do bring your dear self.
You know, I am very nimble with knitting needles and yarn--and I shall set about this day to knit you a warm sweater--not that you shall need it.
Here on the streets of Munich, open free markets are aplenty and are held on all the days of the week--replete with fresh fish of all sorts and herring.
You will find a stroll around the open air markets most delightful and appetizing.
And we shall instruct our cooks at the inn to prepare for you any and all fish dishes as you may fancy--providing that they are in season.
Oh, your palate shall be most satisfied, I do assure you, my dear Sir Penguin.
And you absolutely must be our guests, along with my dear friend, Marianne Mozartin, and her family--at the concert this Saturday night!
No need for you to change your costume, of course, as you in your black and white suit are so perfectly attired for an evening soiree or for a grand ball.
And you shall undoubtedly delight in seeing all the fine lords and ladies of the court in their best finery.
Well, I must be off now to the rehearsal with Maestro Haydn.
I am so very happy to learn that you are on the mend, and of your impending arrival, and I bid you till then my kindest regards.
Yours affectionately,
Sophie, nee Weber
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